Shoes. Is there any greater love affair? Shoes aren’t one of the most profitable businesses in the world, for nothing. Women have closets dedicate to shoes, and can appreciate the art that goes into the making of the right, fitted shoes. Shoes do not discriminate. They look good on all, no matter which color, size, or shape you are. The right pair of shoes can immediately perk up the confidence of any woman (or men for that matter). Studies show that many people judge your personality, based on your choice of shoes, when you meet them first. So, the right pair of shoes is required for any big and small walk of life. Even as a kid, we hear the story of an ordinary girl whose glass slippers changed her life. Another girl clicked her heels to transport into another world.

For the bride, the whole analogy just works. The right bridal shoes are a big deal in these times of Louboutin’s, Jimmy Choo’s, Valentino’s, Manolo-Blahnik’s, etc. You spent so much on the ideal pair, and you cannot even flaunt them in the mass of your lehenga. We think the job of capturing these magnificent heels lies with your photographer. And not in ordinary style, but in a real inspired way. You can get shots taken of your shoes in so many scenarios, like: unopening the Shoes Box, heels amongst your other bridal accessories, etc. Modern brides are also adding personalized notes to their wedding heels, so that has to be capture right as well.
To give you and your photographers some ideas used by the real brides around the world, we have compiled some photographs that perfectly capture your glass slippers, before you wear them to go the ball where your Prince Charming is waiting.
20+ Luxe Ideas to Capture Your Cinderella Moment
20+ Luxe Ideas to Capture Your Cinderella Moment. Shoes aren’t one of the most profitable businesses in the world, for nothing.