Article By: Aliza Rizvi
The monsoon season can be a difficult time given all the unexpected drizzles, the moisture laden air and the puddles. Given these circumstances choosing the right jewelry can be quite a task. We have all probably been in that spot where water from the rain managed to ruin our jewelry completely! Therefore, in order to keep our jewelry safe from the downpour, we need to proceed with caution and decide early on, what kind of jewelry will be best during these humid months!
For instance, jewelry made of thread, tassels and fabric such as jute and leather or suede is advised against during the monsoon season. You should also refrain from wearing accessories that rusts easily. Humidity causes some metals to start corroding which is why you should keep trinkets made of such metals wrapped in cotton and tucked away during the monsoon months!
Here are some tips and tricks to help you pick the perfect jewelry this monsoon without having to take it off when it rains:
1. Avoid Jewelry Made Of Fabric
You should avoid jewelry made of thread and fabric such as jute at all costs because it will get completely ruined when it rains. You should also avoid wooden jewelry because wood tends to swell up in humid climes.
2. Wear Jewelry Made Of Recycled Materials
Jewelry made of recycled materials such as acrylic, plastic and rubber is highly recommended during these months. None of these materials can be damaged if it starts raining unexpectedly. Even if the surface does get a little wet you can always pat it dry with the help of a dry cloth later. Get a pair of Leigh Miller glass hoop earrings and you’re good to go!
3. Tuck Away Those Pearls!
Pearls tend to lose their luster when exposed to excessive water and moisture. Even though pearls are appropriate for every occasion but they are just not the kind of jewelry you should wear during the monsoon months!
4. Beaded Jewelry All The Way!
Beads whether they’re made of glass or otherwise make the best kind of monsoon jewelry. Except for certain kinds of wooden beads, beads make the perfect minimalistic go-to jewelry for monsoon! Enameled jewelry is also moisture resistant. You can opt for a vibrant pair of enameled earrings to go with your outfit this monsoon.
5. Time To Get Those Diamond Studs Out!
Diamonds encrusted in gold, platinum and sterling silver bodies also make the kind of jewelry that you can sport during the monsoon season. You can wear a chic pair of diamond studs or a classy diamond ring this season to play it safe and make a style statement too! You can also wear Stone and Strand gold and diamond necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Ladies, it’s time to get your Cartier trinkets out of hibernation!
6. Opt For Crystal And Glass Jewelry!
Crystal and glass jewelry is not only beautiful, but it can withstand moisture and a heavy downpour too. Get your hands on your favorite colored crystals and turn them into a DIY necklace and matching earrings! Or better yet, get your own customized crystal necklace made from a customizable crystal jewelry store! You can also opt for Gucci’s glistening crystal brooches or Ranjana Khan’s dazzling crystal studs!
7. Go For Sterling Silver, Gold Or Brass!
Gold jewelry is a particularly good option this season. Whether you opt for a subtle gold chain or gold studs, this is the best monsoon metal for you. However, you can also wear sterling silver or brass jewelry in the rain but don’t forget to pat them dry after use though. Tiffany & Co. makes breathtaking diamond and sterling silver jewelry that you can make a style statement in!
8. Set In Stone!
You can also wear simple stone jewelry every day and look absolutely regal. You can also find out your birthstone and wear jewelry encrusted with it. Not only will this prove to be lucky for you but it will also be safe to wear outside in the pouring rain.
Here are some of our recommendations for you this monsoon:
These are all the kinds of jewelry that you can wear in monsoon without being in constant fear of having your accessories ruined by the downpour! These tips will enable you to look stylish and chic and at the same time your jewelry will not get damaged!
Waterproof Jewelry For Every Bride-to-be This Monsoon Season!
Don’t let the rain hold you from wearing those jewels!