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ABC Juice For Effective Detoxification This Fall

Nov 13, 2019
ABC Juice For Effective Detoxification This Fall

Article By: Majid Sultan



Detox drinks have gained immense popularity as of late. They have endless benefits and are very simple to make which is why us women love to drink them. ABC (apple, beetroot and carrot) juice in particular is nutritious, healthy and helps rid your body of toxins almost instantly. Weight loss is another one of their benefits. If you’re not drinking enough water, then ABC juice will keep you well hydrated throughout the day. Even though you can make a simple detox drink in tons of different ways but apples, beetroots and carrots are considered “the three musketeers” of detox.

ABC juice is a miraculous detox drink because of these three ingredients! Here is why each one is important!


1. Apples


As people say, an apple a day does in fact keep the doctor away! Apples are rich in vitamins such as A, B1, B2, C and the list goes on. It also has traces of magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Apples also possess deoxidizing properties.


Photo: via BBC


2. Beetroot


Beetroots are a great source of nutrients such as vitamin A, B-complex, C, copper and the list goes on. They possess anti-oxidizing agents hence its deep, dark color. It boosts our immunity and improves our heart health by limiting the amount of bad cholesterol in our bodies. They also help us lose weight by reducing the fat stored in our body.


Photo: via Health line


 3. Carrot


Carrots are extremely nutritious and have countless benefits. From keeping you hydrated to improving your eyesight carrots are known to be magical. They are rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E and the list goes on! Among other benefits carrots boost our immunity, reduces fat from our liver. They prevent our teeth from getting damaged and help keep our teeth healthy.


Photo: via Health line


4. Ginger and Lemon Juice (Optional)


Ginger and lemon juice are optional and you can add them to your ABC juice if you want. Although, ABC juice only requires 3 main ingredients but you can add some lemon juice to help you lose weight. Ginger on the other hand helps restore youthfulness and has anti-inflammatory properties.


Photo: via Mother Nature Network


8 Benefits Of ABC Juice


Here are some benefits of ABC juice:

1. It improves heart health.

2. Removes toxins from the vital organs of our body.

3. Helps with weight loss.

4. Helps keep your skin soft and spotless.

5. It protects your eyes.

6. Boosts your immunity.

7. It keeps you younger for longer.

8. Improves your brain’s response time.


Photo: via Google Images



We hope that we have convinced you to get started on ABC juice. Get these ingredients and make the perfect detox drink for the fall!

ABC Juice For Effective Detoxification This Fall
ABC Juice For Effective Detoxification This Fall
Bottoms up ladies, it’s time to get your “ABC” in order once again!