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10 Things No One Tells You About Wedding Planning

Jul 08, 2018
10 Things No One Tells You About Wedding Planning

The wedding planning process can become either very stressful or extremely enjoyable, and it is totally about how you want your wedding planning process to be like. We believe that a perfect celebration demands hard work and perfect planning but it does not mean that you as a bride cannot enjoy your wedding planning phase. Yes, you can relish the process and still have a perfect wedding.  For that matter, we have concluded few things regarding planning that we strongly urge every bride must bear in mind to go through the process.

1. Everybody Wants To Take Part In Your Wedding Planning

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As it is your wedding, everybody will get excited and want to take part in your wedding planning which means so many interferences and difference of opinion. And there is a greater possibility of you being upset and confused. You might not want to dishearten someone for that matter but we recommend you to share your views, after all, it’s your big day and you want your special day the way you have always envisioned. Do what your heart desires.

2. You Can Lose Your Temper

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During the planning phase, you can experience bridezilla outburst. This will occur especially when you will focus so much on tiny details that won’t be matter in a long run or maybe when your idea of fairy tale wedding won’t be imitated in real life as you have always envisioned. Moments like these always call for help; take a break from planning and seek help from your friends and family. Remember, your family and friends are there for you, you can also trust them with your wedding planning.

3. Unexpected Expense Can Emerge

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Whenever it comes to planning, uncertainty is bound to happen so always leave a room for that in your planning. Don’t stress out if unexpected expense will appear. The best practice is to always allocate a budget to such expenses so later on it won’t burden your wedding budget.

4. Small Or Large Wedding Ceremony

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The perception that small wedding ceremonies need less planning and hard work is absolutely wrong. Whether you are going for a small ceremony or large wedding ceremonies, you will be needing centerpieces, hangings, chandeliers, stage décor, wedding venue, and decor etc. These important details you cannot skip in both cases. If you have such thoughts, throw them away because we want you to be vigilant regarding your wedding planning.

5. Compromising On Minor Details

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Keep yourself open to compromise. We suggest you should not stick to minor details wholeheartedly. To prevent yourself from irrelevant stress, leave a room open for compromising on minor details that won’t matter so much later on. Trust us, nobody will remember the fabric of your tablecloth so why panic?

6. Your Groom Might Not Take Part In Meticulous Planning

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Don’t have stupid fights over the fact that your groom is not taking part in your wedding planning process. This may be because he might want you to take control over it or maybe you have not asked him about his opinion. Instead of having a breakdown, reflect your actions and talk to him. You can also make a to-do list for your groom to involve him in your wedding planning.

7. You Can Be Filled With Emotions

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The idea of starting a new life as a couple can make you very emotional. You can experience emotional instability. You will find yourself crying over the beauty of your bridal dress or maybe over the burnt toasts.  Don’t fight with your emotions because your emotions might need an outlet, talk to someone you trust and let out your feelings, express your concerns. By doing this, you will feel light.

8. Don’t Go For Perfection

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It is always a good idea to keep your hopes low when it comes to planning. You might have high hopes for having a dream wedding, but if you really want to enjoy these moments you need to be very flexible. Embrace the imperfection and cherish these wedding moments as they won’t last long.

9. Don’t Absorb Yourself Too Much In Planning A Dream Wedding

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You cannot enjoy the process if you will be thinking about the details 24/7. It is necessary to pause yourself to savor these moments. We encourage you to do meditation two times a day, it will prove very effective in enhancing your focus and can also put your mind at ease.

10. Planning Takes Time

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Start your planning process early. You don’t need to rush to the implementation. Give yourself time to think and evaluate your options. In the end, enjoy the time without overstressing yourself!

10 Things No One Tells You About Wedding Planning
10 Things No One Tells You About Wedding Planning
For that matter, we have concluded few things regarding planning that we strongly urge every bride must bear in mind to go through the process.