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Top Five Questions Answered about Buying a Gift for Destination Wedding

May 01, 2018
Top Five Questions Answered about Buying a Gift for Destination Wedding

Getting married away from home can be the best thing in anyone’s life. At times, they can also turn out to be an expensive event when not only you but also your guests spend money to be there to celebrate the biggest day of your life. If you are to-be-destination-wedding-guest, you probably have RSVPd yes to your best friend’s wedding invitation, which means you are already planning to spend a big amount of money on your traveling. This makes you question yourself whether you should buy a gift for the couple after spending a lot of money to join them? Here is what we recommend to help you sort out this dilemma.

Destination Wedding Gift: Yes, or No?

Yes. Despite you and your host know that you are going to spend money to attend the wedding, you can still consider buying a gift to the couple. But it does not necessarily to be an expensive one. You can buy a low-cost gift that suits your budget. Since gift is considered to be as a token of well-wishes, you can absolutely send the couple a nice gift.

What If the Couple Has Their Concerns?

It’s natural to incur that destination wedding means buying an expensive gift.  However, there are few couples who ask guests not to buy a gift at all. If this is the concern of the couple, you can skip this item in your checklist. If you still want to send a small gift as a memory or nice gesture, gift them a photo frame or a thank you card.

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When Should I Give Wedding Gift?

Many guests overlook this aspect. Considering the timing of your gift matters a lot. It is better not to bring the gift along with you. You can choose to send a gift before you begin your journey or send it after the couple reaches home.

Can I Follow the Idea of Experience Gift?

Absolutely! If you really want to give them a gift you can give them memorable experience gift. The couples like it more than the set of glass or a dinner set. If the destination offers some interesting activities, you can arrange that for the couple, such as a visit to a spa or a cooking class.

Should I Feel Guilty about not Buying a Gift?

If you think that your budget is too tight and you cannot spend on a wedding gift, that’s nothing to feel guilty about. Destination weddings are usually small and intimate event and your presence matters more than the gift you send.

Do you have more questions to ask about destination wedding gift etiquette? Ask us in the comments below. For more advice and etiquette, keep visiting!

Top Five Questions Answered about Buying a Gift for Destination Wedding
Top Five Questions Answered about Buying a Gift for Destination Wedding
This makes you question yourself whether you should buy a gift for the couple after spending a lot of money to join them?