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Tips and Tricks To Create Volume In Your Hair

Aug 01, 2018
Tips and Tricks To Create Volume In Your Hair

We just want to tell you that we totally feel you. We know how hard it is to move around with volume-less hair and equally hard to create it. You want to go somewhere and look good, your hair just doesn’t keep up with you. But, there are some very useful tricks that one can use, if done right, to achieve the volume you desire. Learn about them and you will have mastered the art of creating volume in your hair! Let’s go through them quickly:

Sleep In a Bun

After taking a shower, pull them up in a high bun, not very tight, and leave it at that. You don’t even require heat since it will dry up itself during the night and when you’ll take off the scrunchie, volume it is! And an added bonus of waves!

Spray Dry Shampoo

Don’t wait two or three days to apply dry shampoo because by that time, the scalp is already oily and that ruins the volume. Spray some dry shampoo after you blow dry your hair and that will also act as a barrier to the oil turning up. It will create volume and you are good to go your way!

Buy a Volume Building Shampoo

Anything that is creamy, stay away from it! Products that are transparent are the ones that help create volume in your hair. Do not overload your hair with conditioner. Apply it only on the lower half and thoroughly rinse it. You have the volume, girl!

Hot Rollers

All good things take time! But putting hot rollers is not a very time consuming job. Put them in your hair while you do your makeup and take them off after twenty minutes or so. The result is much better with dry hair.

Boosting Product

You can also buy a root boosting product and spray it on your roots. This provides support and structure to the roots and your hairstyle too can last for days. Apply it on dry hair and you can also add mousse for a better effect.

Upside Down Blow-dry

The most common and easiest technique is to blow dry your hair in an upside down position. During this time, your roots lift off the scalp and stay like that, which in turn create volume.


While most stylists suggest you not to do it often because it damages your roots, you don’t have to be very aggressive when it comes to back-combing your hair. Pin up the upper layer of your hair and backcomb the lower part by dividing them into sections. To make it last, apply hairspray. The upper layer covering the combed part will make your hair look very smooth. Just be gentle.

Change The Parting

So you probably part your hair one way for a long time. With time, your parting side turns flat, so it’s better that you keep changing the parting to avoid the flatness. Flipping your hair to the other side creates volume instantly.

These are some good ways to create volume! Learn these tricks and you’ll enjoy making all those hairstyles that you have ignored just because of less volume. Be the master!

Tips and Tricks To Create Volume In Your Hair
Tips and Tricks To Create Volume In Your Hair
All the tricks you need to learn for voluminous hair! Tips and Tricks To Create Volume In Your Hair.